“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire” by William Butler Yeats
教育是知识创新、传播和应用的主要基地,也是培育创新精神和创新人才的摇篮。—— 江泽民
Email: leadspireacademy@gmail.com
Participants in the Impromptu Speech Challenge will have 10 days to prepare their speeches, starting from 11:59 PM on August 7, 2024, until 11:59 PM on August 18, 2024.
Choose one of the four themes:
Hope: Reflect on hopeful expectations, plans, dreams, and aspirations.
Love: Share about love, whether it's for a person, an event, or a thing.
Technology: Discuss thoughts, feelings, hopes, and expectations regarding technology.
Future: Explore your thoughts on the future, its challenges, and promises.
Include the following 5 keywords in your speech: keychain, earth, VIP, extraordinary, and surprise.
Be creative and incorporate these keywords seamlessly into your speech.
Theme: Hope
Rebuilding After a Disaster: How hope fuels recovery and rebuilding efforts.
The Power of Positive Thinking: How optimism can change your life.
A Vision for a Better Tomorrow: Imagining a world transformed by hope.
Dreams Turned into Reality: Stories of achieving the seemingly impossible.
Overcoming Adversity: Finding hope in the face of challenges.
Theme: Love
Acts of Kindness: The impact of small acts of love on the world.
Love in Different Cultures: Exploring how love is expressed around the globe.
The Love for Nature: How a passion for the environment can inspire change.
Family Bonds: The unbreakable ties that keep families strong.
Romantic Gestures: Memorable and meaningful expressions of romantic love.
Theme: Technology
The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Hopes and fears surrounding AI advancements.
Technology in Education: Transforming learning through innovation.
Tech for Good: How technology is solving global problems.
Virtual Reality: Imagining the future of immersive experiences.
The Digital Divide: Addressing the gap between tech haves and have-nots.
Theme: Future
Sustainable Living: Envisioning a greener, more sustainable future.
Future Careers: Jobs that don’t exist yet but might in 20 years.
The Evolution of Cities: What will urban areas look like in the future?
Space Exploration: Humanity's next steps beyond Earth.
The Future of Healthcare: Innovations that will change how we stay healthy.
Remember, each speech should creatively incorporate the five mandatory keywords: keychain, earth, VIP, extraordinary, and surprise.
This competition is open to 5 - 20 years old from all over Malaysia.
Participants must register by 1st July until 18 August 2024.
Each participant can enter multiple categories but must submit separate entries for each.
All submissions must be in English.
Entries must be the participant’s original work and must not have been published or submitted for other competitions or platforms.
Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
Each submission must include the participant’s name, age & category entered.
All entries must be submitted online via Google Form Registration / Leadspire Academy Telegram (https://t.me/leadspireacademy).
The deadline for the first cycle submissions is at 11.59pm on 31 July
The deadline for the second cycle submissions is at 11.59pm on 18 August.
Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
Creativity and Originality (20%)
Relevance to the Topic (20%)
Language and Grammar (20%)
Delivery and Presentation (20%)
Overall Impact (20%)